Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

how to get money from internet fast

how to get money from internet fast

hello everyone and welcome back to my channel or welcome ifyou're new here. if you are new here, hey what's up my name is "danielle jordan" and in thisvideo i'm going to be telling you guys five ways that you can "make money superfast as a teenager". i am 19 years old and i am also a college student. i am in mysophomore year of college and i definitely know how it feels to not haveenough money to do all those fun things that all your friends are doing likegoing out to eat, or just exploring the city that you live in. so trust me i'vebeen there, and i am still there. so i have compiled a list of five things thatactually work if you "want to make money super super fast as a teenager". none ofthe things on this list require you to

take surveys and none of them requireprevious experience which i think it's awesome so you guys enjoy my tips makesure to let me know they're giving this video a big thumbs up and if you watchthe entire video make sure to press that subscribe button that is right downthere it would make my day more than you know and i would love to have you join alittle family and with all that stuff aside let's just get into the video myfirst tip and also the tip that i advocate most for is to write or createcontent that you are passionate about if you are passionate about literallyanything and you feel that you could portray that passion over on a blog or ayoutube channel i say go for it i know

it can be super scary especially ayoutube channel because the concepts of putting yourself out in the internet issometimes on the satellite to a lot of people and understandably so becauseobviously it's kind of scary sometimes but if you are at all passionate aboutanything and you want to create a blog or a youtube channel i say do it becauseit is so much fun and if you continue on with it and you stay really passionatewith it throughout months for years or however long you want to do it or thatcan come to create revenue and it's really awesomethat's something that you love can also become your job and i've been luckyenough

that's happened to me and i would loveto see that happen for some of you guys the second tip that i have for you guysis to sell your old clothing and this tip is actually super easy to do becausethere are so many apps out there that are specifically made to help peoplelike you sell their old clothing and it just makes the entire process super easybut if you're not interested in downloading an app and making a profilethen what you can do is create your own custom instagram page specifically foryou to sell your own clothing both of which i think are really greatmethods to sell your own clothes and a lot of people really enjoy buyinghand-me-downs because they're cheaper

and especially if they're in goodcondition i mean you just can't really go wrong mythird tip is specifically for those of you who are in college like i am and asuper easy way to make money really really quickly is to sell back your oldtextbooks i know that you can definitely sell back your old textbooks at yourschool book store and that there even some websites that help you do it ifthere are any that i can find i'll have them linked down below butanother thing that you can do is if you happen to have any friends that are toolazy to bring back their own textbooks you can offer to take theirs sell themback and then you take a portion of the

money so that's just another option thati think could be really useful i know that some of your friends willdefinitely appreciate that offer before the tip that i have for you guys is toutilize resources like caricom all of this is about to sound super sponsoredand i promise it's not i'm not getting page say anything in this video butright now i'm looking at the website and i didn't realize that theyoffer jobs in child care housekeeping pet care special means senior care andtutoring i don't have any experience using this website i'm not gonna lie toyou guys but i know a lot of people who have usedcaricom and they rave about it they're

like obsessed with it so i can'trecommend it but you guys were looking for a job in like babysitting ortutoring if you're like really good in a subject i would highly recommend caricomi've heard amazing things about it so i'll have the link for that down belowmake sure you go check that out and if you do and you have good experiencesfrom it make sure to let me know i'm gonna find outis something that is just a little bit more fun compared to the other ones andthis is something that you can do from the comfort of your own bed if youwanted to but when i was doing a little bit of research for this video i found awebsite called music x-ray which i had

never heard of before in my entire lifebut turns out what it is is the website will give you a new music to listen toand when you listen to it and i guess to review it they will pay your money inreturn for listening to that new music which i think is pretty awesome becausei'm a person who loves finding new music it's something that is just so much funto me so the fact that i can find music and then get paid for it kind of justsounds of a win-win so if you guys want to check that out i will link to it downbelow i even did some research and turns outit's not a scam it's actually kind of legit so i haven't recommend that youguys check that out because i know that

i'm going to be doing it all the timeand if you guys have any good or bad experiences with it make sure to leavesome comments down below because i'm sure it would help me and everyone elsewatching this video so that is if your my video i really hope you guys enjoyedit and if you did make sure to let me know and it comes down below i think itis so much fun to respond back to your comments so if you have time make sureto write something down there and i will make sure to get back to you and if youwant to see more content from me make sure to press that subscribe button thatis right down there it would make me so so happy and with all that being said iwill talk to you guys very soon in my

next video and i love you very much bye

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