Rabu, 14 Februari 2018

how to get money at internet

how to get money at internet

hey guys i have two main goals with thisvideo the first one is to educate and motivate you to learn how to make moneyonline and the second is to beat improvement pills video on the sametopic and hopefully by accomplishing the first goal by educating and motivatingyou and adding immense value throughout this video it will lead me to my secondgoal because for some reason i'm really competitive anyways the first time thisvideo will be about active income and active income is basically exchangingyour own time for money and the last half of this video will be about passiveincome online which basically means that it requires a little bit of initialstartup time and resources but very very

little upkeep once you set it up and atthe very end of this video i'm going to give you my 3 recommendations for abeginner what i would have told myself a long time ago if i was starting to tryto earn money online so feel free to sit back and learn you can even minimizethis video if you'd like anyways here we go so if you've never heard of amazonmturk before what it stands for is amazon mechanical turk it's basically amarketplace hosted by amazon to do things that robots can't do that theyhave to have humans to do and they outsource it to you guys they outsourceit to people with extra time who want to earn a little extra money there are allkinds of tasks on this website anywhere

from searching data to data entry totranscribing which transcribing means watching and listening to a video oraudio file and then typing it and you can actually make fifteen to thirtydollars an hour if you know how to do this correctly and if you know more thanone language you can actually make money on this website by translating stuff nowi've personally done this and i earned around forty to fifty dollars and ididn't put much work into it but my friend he worked a full time job and heactually did this on the side and he did it for a couple months and actuallyearned more than i think it was like three hundred fifty dollars each monthso they are real they do payout you just

have to put the time into it another wayto make money online is by ebay now you can combine ebay craigslist you can evengo to the dollar store facebook marketplace and basically what you do isyou become an entrepreneur buying low and selling high you know you go to yourlocal dollar store and you find this little trinket oh that looks cooli want to win it cost on ebay you look it up on ebay and you can sell it for 20more dollars it's maybe it's a super soaker water gun you buy it at thedollar store for three dollars you sell it on ebay for twenty three boomtwenty dollars right there it probably doesn't even take you an hour worth ofyour time anyways there are all kinds of

marketplaces out there and if you learnhow to leverage them what sells best to where you can make a ton of moneyflipping stuff number three is surveys now surveys are kind of a pain in thebutt especially because i start getting somespam in the mail but you can't make a ton of money on this there's places outthere like swag bucks which i'll talk about later inbox dollars my pointsthere's all kinds of places you sign up to you take daily surveys and you makemoney that's not going to be a substantial amount like thousands ofdollars a month but if you have a grocery bill or rent or some other typeof expense that you need to get taken

care of that month and you have someextra time it's a great way to fill that gap now on to swag bucks swag bucks ispretty cool because you can literally get paid by searching stuff so i didthis probably a couple years ago and i've been doing it every now and thenwhen my free time and you can earn a lot of extra money doing this basicallyinstead of going to google you use swag bucks custom search engine which you canset it to google and you search stuff like how to tie a tie and then everyonce in a while they'll give you a reward for using their search enginesnow there are tons of other ways to earn money on swag bucks you can actuallyshop if you're going to shop on amazon

and you shop through them they willactually pay you a percentage of money for doing that you can watch videos thatthey have basically like watching advertisements other companies you canplay games answer surveys there's all kinds of ways to make money on this andthey do pay i have been paid by this company usually they just pay you buygift cards which isn't that bad after swag bucks is instagram shoutouts ourinstagram shoutouts is really cool but it does take a little bit of time tobuild up because you have to have an initial following that's really coolbecause initially if you want to get a whole bunch of followers you can gothrough follow 100 people and then

unfollow that 100 people and you'llusually have a net gain of like 10 to 50 new followers if you do that over timemaybe a thousand times in one month or a couple months eventually you'll start togain followers and if you need to you can actually buy them but after you havethat initial following you can actually sell shoutouts if you haven't followedme on instagram yet follow me at practical underscore psych there's someawesome updates on there that i can't share on youtube that i share on myinstagram anyways when i get to around 200,000 maybe even half a million i canstart asking people to pay me so that i can shot themout i have a friend who does this he has

around 2 million instagram followers youmight think holy moley that's a lot of followers to get i don't think i canever do that well he said the same thing around 2 years ago and now he makesaround 5 to 6 thousand dollars a month just by doing shoutouts he's easily madehis money back the next way to make money online is by freelance jobs nowone of the best marketplaces for freelance work is up work and this isactually what i use for all kinds of other stuff so if you're a video editorif you're a graphic designer even if you just want to like literallyplay a video game or test a website people will pay you to do thisalso if you're ever in need of a virtual

assistant up work is a great place to gopersonally i use of work to hire occasional article writers video editorsand even they do some graphic design work that i don't feel comfortable doingmyself but you can sign up to up work as a freelancer which means when someonepost a job you can do it boom they're 60 bucks in your pocket for designing abackground or boom there's $100 in your pocket for editing a six minute videonow another usually cheaper marketplace is fiber the fiber is really coolbecause there's a lot more people that do it usually because this stuff ischeaper and you can make money by selling your services so you can do seowork you can do video editing graphic

design even website feedback if you'recomfortable doing that well you can sell your own services but there's anotherway to make money with fiverr that not very many people know about if they doknow about it they're usually raking in a ton of cash and that is to buyservices from fiverr for $5 $10 and then sell them to businesses who don't knowhow to get the same services that cheap for maybe $100 $200 i've literally seensome guy go to a company and say hey i'll make you a logo for $500 and thenhe takes that and he goes and pays five or $10 he gets a great logo and he justmade like over $400 profit for a weekend's worth of work it's crazy onceyou learn how to do this you can scale

it and make all kinds of money now let'stalk a little bit about passive income now if you don't know anything aboutpassive income i highly encourage you to buy my ebook in the link below it'scalled passive income tutorial and it goes through all kinds of mistakes thati've made in the past and what i've done in the past that has made me successfulin fact one month i actually earned $15,000 a couple months later i actuallydidn't do any work for a solid month i literally read books all month i didn'tdo anything online and i earned $4,000 if you watch all the way through thisvideo there will be a video in the in screen showing that proof and the reasoni did that was as a testimonial to say i

know how to make passive income onlineand you can buy this ebook if you want to learn how because there are a ton ofpeople out there who say they can make money online but the only way that theymake money online is by selling other people the dream that they can makemoney online - anyways the first way you can make passive income online is byselling photos so there are all kinds of websites out there that will pay you apercentage of how much money they earn from selling your photo so stuff likesmugmug pro shutterstock istockphoto if you've ever tried to buy a photo you'llrealize wow that was a hundred dollars for one photowell that's because shutterstock pays a

percentage of that money to the personthat took that photo and you can do the same you can take one photo and thensell it on shutterstock and who knows someone might buy that every day andyou'll get 50 bucks that's 50 bucks a day that you don't have to do any morework and that's the glory of passive income the second way that i've learnedto make passive income online is through clickbank now clickbank is a marketplacebasically of other people's products and the cool thing about this is is that youget to sell someone else's product it's basically affiliate marketing andi'll talk a little bit about that in the future on clickbank personally there areonly two products that i highly

encourage someone to buy because i havebought them before and they're super easy to sellthe first one is k money mastery and the second one is video breakthrough academyand video breakthrough academy it was actually created by one of my youtuberfriends anyways what you do is you make a whole bunch of content and then youlead people to your affiliate link and then whenever someone clicks on thataffiliate link you get a percentage of the sale for example video breakthroughacademy every time i sell one of those i get half of whatever someone pays forthe product so if they pay $300 for that i will earn $150 some people make over60,000 80,000 there are even some people

who earn over half a million dollarsonline through selling other people's productthe third coolest way to make passive income online is through amazonaffiliates now the way that amazon affiliates work is that you put a linkin your description of your youtube channel or your blog or some otherwebsite that you have and what happens is whenever someone clicks on that linkboom they get a cookie on their browser which means any product they buy onamazon for the next 24 hours you get a percentage of and one example of this isthat on my youtube channel i sell ebooks i create book reviews and then i sellbooks in the affiliate link in the

description and someone actually clickedonto one of those links and then went and bought a thousand dollar camera nowi personally did not sell that thousand dollar camera but what happened wasamazon wanted to reward me for directing the person to amazon and they actuallygave me like 50 bucks for that sale i wasn't even selling a camera and thatwas something that is really cool that a lot of people can do and usually themore clicks you can get on your amazon affiliate links the more money you willearn even if it's not selling your product now one guy i know who hasearned a ton on this and has all kinds of experience his name is luke lincolnand he is a website that literally sells

just wireless routers and he isdocumented that he has earned over forty thousand dollars in one monthfrom amazon affiliate earnings now i mentioned earlier that i actually havean e-book and that's a whole another way that you can make passive income is byselling kindle e-books now kindle e-books are really easy to create andsome people think that it's just really hard to make them so they don't get intothem but i bought and went through the k money mastery course which i'll link inthe description below and it teaches you how to create a kindle ebook how tomarket your kindle ebook how to do little tips and tricks on the kindlestore so that it does well and selling

and i did that before i created mypassive income tutorial ebook and it did amazingly well i've earned like six orseven hundred dollars in the first couple months the trick with makingmoney on kindle is not that you have one book that makes you a thousand dollars amonth it's having 100 books that makes you a dollar a day so that adds up andover time your investments start to return on themselves and you have ahundred ebooks maybe making between one and two sales a day earning you onehundred to two hundred dollars a day and that adds up over time so if you'reinterested in that i highly recommend going and checking out k moneymastery and you can do something that

improvement pill recommended which is tobuy the product and then go through the course learn everything and then if youneed to for some reason you need that money back you can ask for a refundbecause there is a 30-day refund on that product you can get that money back andthen you can start creating your kindle courses and then when you start earningyour money back you know it's a respect thing it's a moral thing you should buythe product again so that the guy gets his money the next way to make passiveincome online is by selling digital files now one of the best sites that ifound to do this is self icom and usually they take a commission ofwhatever you sell it's like two to five

percent i think but you can create asmall little course or you can have website templates or you can have yourown wordpress themes and sell it on this website drive traffic to that and theneventually i'll make money another way to make money by selling stuff issigning up for you to me and teaching a course now i've heard by some specificpeople that udemy kind of sucks because they'll gyp you out of money becauseit'll take your $300 course and then put it on sale for $10 so that they can getmore users on their website and that's kind of blackhat kind of ripping offcreators but what i recommend doing is going to teachable calm teachable for mepersonally i think it's way better than

you to me and it's actually what i'mgoing to be making my own personal courses on i'm almost finished with ahabbit course and i'm working on some ideas on social skills money managementand the psychology of your thought those courses if for some reason you'reinterested in this course and you want to coupon on them whenever they come outi guarantee you you will have a coupon you will get a better price thaneveryone else if you go to practical pi comm and put your little email in thatnewsletter thing that whenever i launched that course i will launch itwith a coupon code so that you'll get it a cheaper version so onto a membershipwebsite and this is essentially what i

was going to do with practical pi i wasgoing to say all right everyone $30 a month you can sign up to my membershipsite you'll get all kinds of information that i've learned have regurgitated frombooks everything i've learned from business psychology relationships butthose kind of membership sites take a lot of upkeep and i didn't want to dothat on my own so i outsource it to teachable and whenever i launch mycourse that's what i'm going to use this teachable instead of my own membershipwebsite so that i don't have to deal with the coding and the back-end stuffand the last way that i'm going mentioned how you can make money onlineis by building a youtube channel now

when you build a youtube channel you canmake a lot of money with ad revenue but it takes a ton of views you can actuallymake way more money if you sell stuff in the description you might get 10,000views and that might earn you $20 but if you get 10,000 views and 10% of thosepeople buy a $300 course of yours that's going to earn way more money than thevideo ever will so when you build a youtube channel you have got to bepassionate and i cannot stress this enough because there are tons of peoplewho get into youtube and will make a couple videos and then fall out becausethey're not passionate about it and they just give up and for me i want to tellyou guys personally it took 98 videos

for my channel to hit that big goldenstar and to go boom youtube likes this channel it's going to start promoting itone of my videos got into recommended i learned and after creating 98 videos igot really good at how to create titles how to make your thumbnails and how tomake sure that the viewer was engaged i learned how to do all of that through 98videos now for some reason if you want to skip making 97 videos and you want tohave all of that experience on your own you can actually go and check out thevideo breakthrough academy it's actually created by one of my friends i've wentthrough the course and i was like man i wish i could have learned this stuffback when i was starting my youtube

channel so that i didn't have to learnit all myself actually going through his course i learned even more and it wasreally helpful so if for some reason you guys want to check that out i'll put alink to that in the description below it's called video breakthrough academythere's some amazing value and there he goes over how to make more money onyoutube videos he goes over how to do collaborations correctly he goes overhow to record a video how to script the video a whole bunch of little tips andtricks for engagement and anyways that is one of the best tools that i wouldsuggest so that you can learn how to make money online quicker so we've wentover about 8 active income tips which is

in turks ebay surveys swag bucksinstagram shoutouts freelance work freelance work on fiverr and thenactually selling fiber products to hire businesses and then we also went overeight passive income strategies and that is to sell photos online utilizeclickbank and affiliate sales amazon affiliate sales selling kindle e-booksselling digital files on sulfide using udemy are teachable to create anmine course creating your own membership website and building a youtube channelso now i'm going to give you my three recommendations for any beginners whowant to learn how to make money online the first is to buy the k money masteryprogram ask for a refund and then buy it

again later after you've made your moneyback you can learn as much as you want but premium stuff will always containvalue and sometimes just paying that initial cost of buying the k moneymastery program will motivate you to work harder and become successful sothat you can actually earn your money back it's a great course that would bemy first recommendation for a beginner who wanted to learn to make money onlineas it's been said in the past you've got to spend money to make money and thiscourse really doesn't cost that much for how much you're going to be getting outof it my second recommendation is to sign up for fiber and offer whateverskills you have now there are a ton of

tutorials on this and if for some reasonyou don't have a skill you can start watching youtube videos learn photoshoplearn after effects learn how to code a website learn how to create a beautifuluser interface whatever you can do to offer the world value and then sell thatvalue on fiverr and you make most of your money on fiverr not by selling a 5dollar product but by the upsells selling more expensive upgrades and mylast recommendation for beginners is to buy my ebook in the link below now ofcourse i will be earning money on this but hopefully i've added enough value inthe e-book that you will earn way more money back the first third of the e-bookis actually going through my mistakes

and what kind of mistakes you guys canskip in the future so that you can make money online quicker basically it'llhelp you jump-start your online income career if that's what you want to do ihope you guys enjoy this video i hope you got insane value out of it if youdid share this video with your friends click the like button and subscribe ifyou want more

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