Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

how to get free money from internet in 5 minutes

how to get free money from internet in 5 minutes

in this video i'm going to show youexactly how you can go out there and make a passive residual income everysingle day by using free traffic sources to affiliate offers where you get acommission now if you're new to my channel quite a while ago now quite afew years ago now i decided i didn't want to work for someone else so idecided to pursue online income and so far i've done pretty well and i havequite a lot of income streams well one of my main income streams is affiliatemarketing in different niches and what i do is i actually send free traffic andpaid traffic to these offers but in this video we're gonna focus on free trafficbecause free traffic actually converts a

lot better than paid traffic and it'sactually a lot less work pay traffic is very stressful paid traffic is veryexpensive and it doesn't convert as well as free traffic because free traffic isusually searching for something and you have your product there that you'repromoting right in front of their eyes so they convert a lot better what we'regonna do right now is jump into my computer i'm gonna go back to my officein a second jump into my computer and i'm going to show you exactly how youcan get this done i'm going to show you some examples how i've made over sixfigures in the last six month months as one of my income sources for freetraffic to my affiliate offers now one

thing people often ask me is can youmake a lot of money with affiliate marketing of free traffic absolutelyit's actually one of the most common ways to make money online and and peopleare staying home and living the freedom the life they want right the freedom andthey're staying home and doing that by simply getting this free traffic towhere they want it to be and then that product is in front of your face andthey purchase that product and they get a commission that's how affiliatemarketing works you show them a product somehow and i'll show you how to do thatin this video and you get a commission it can range from 30 50 10% even less acouple of percent on amazon and you get

that money and it's yours to keep that'show affiliate marketing works so what i'm gonna do right now is jump into mycomputer and show you exactly how to do this yourself and show you some resultsand show you how i'm getting free traffic myself toosome of my affiliate offers in one of the niches that i'm working on so let'sjump into my computer right now and show you how to get this done or our guys tostart this off i'm going to show you some commission's that i've made from100% free traffic this is traffic that i did not pay for i also do a lot ofaffiliate marketing with paid traffic but i want to show you how easy it isfor you to go out there as a beginner

and actually start getting commissionsfrom affiliate marketing so here you'll see over a hundred thousand dollars inrevenue and licious toward another search here to refresh it so you knowthis is legit from one product and i'm gonna be blinking out the names becausethese guys don't want to be blasted all over the internet but i have $100,000from one product this is actually the reason it has my name theirs because ithis guy contacted me and said hey do you want to promote our product and weset up a custom page for you so i still get fifty percent commission from thisi'm an affiliate marketer for these guys for this product and i make this moneyon 100% free traffic from my blog on

youtube what i'm gonna be showing you ina second the right so that's just one product here is another product that idid a promotion on once again went to a quick search here so you can see therefresh over six thousand dollars in commissions and this was actually in avery short amount of time with an email list that i built up with free trafficso that's another one here is a another promotion that i just did now these soyou see these commissions 30 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks thousands this will overfifteen thousand dollars in commission this was actually from an email of threeemails that i sent out for a product that i was promoting but that email listi built up for free from my blog alright

and from youtube which i'm going to beshowing you in a second as you can see just hundreds and hundreds ofcommissions 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks will go back here so you know it's legitrefresh 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks just tons and tons of commissions now thisone here is really cool because this is to refresh here so you know we're allgood this one here is really cool because i've made money for free from myblog this is from my blagh no email promotions or anythingconsistently every single day from these products this product here $6,000 thisis actually traffic from this blog post here i don't actually stop promotingthis product quite a while ago because i

actually have my own coarseness now buti did a blog post on e-commerce and how to make money with drop shipping ididn't have a course back then so i promoted somebody else's course and justyou'll see so i actually have my own course in here now but i used to havethe course here not and people just clicked on the link went to that thingand they made money for example if we click on the shopify link here it willtake my readers to shopify and they can go out there and create a shopify storewhere i get a commission so i also make commission like that just solely fromblog posts that don't take long to write and the traffic that comes to theseposts are completely 100% free i do no

advertising for this blog whatsoeverpretty cool stuff right and this is how i actually click the emails so you seethis promotion here why how so since this popped up we'll do a little thinghere this promotion here was from sending out emails that i collected frommy blog so not only do you get money from people clicking on your links ifyou build an email list from the traffic that comes to your site you can promoteproducts to them all the time or cancel just consistently to make a nice littlepassive income so it's about building a business it's not actually just go outthere do blog posts and make money you can do that but if you clicked emailsyou can build yourself a nice little

affiliate business alright so so easy sothis is one of the traffic sources that i use to make to create affiliatecommissions now you might be thinking how much money can you really make froma blog so i make over six figures per year just from this blog alone and i'mgonna show you two examples of people that are making a lot more than me okayso this guy's name is matthew wouldwould he runs a very successful blog and hemakes a majority of his money from affiliate kini've written for this guy on his blog he's very very nice guyi actually just promoted a product of his as well and had quite a bit of moneyof affiliate commissions and just became

fifth in the leaderboard so if you lookhere you'll see he lays everything out for you guys literally everything youneed to do so he makes a majority of his money by promoting these products sothis month he did 85 with that one turns 72 with that one now you might belooking see looking at this and going franken that's not a lot of money that'snot a lot it all stacks up these are from our blog post where he's put linksto these particular products and it all stacks up and he is made this monthalone he usually makes a little bit more but he's made this month alone just onaffiliate commissions guys eleven thousand dollars from you guessed itfree traffic free 100% traffic now

before we go to the next vlog i actuallywant to show you something that i did so this is called bluehost i get acommission every time someone signs up to bluehost under my link and i've donequite a lot of money with bluehost and this is why i went out there and createda youtube video so this is another source of traffic which we're gonna betalking about more in a second i would haven't created a youtube video and theni put a link of the youtube videos how to create a website a nine minute videovery very short i was really bad at doing videos back then so don't worryabout it i'm very antisocial very awkward anti person but now look at mei'm doing very good videos on youtube

but we all start somewhere this videowas so bad guys but it's done of the 15 only 16,000 and commission just fromthis one one video as you can see here when people click on this link it takesthem to bluehost and i make a commission when they're going start a website viamy link really easy to do videos don't take all they don't cost anything foryou to make and doesn't cost anything for you to go and get an affiliate linkand put it in that video and that's what people were doing all the time guys nowbluehost brings me to another guy called pet flynn he runs a blogone of bluehost biggest affiliate if we look at it and head of income reportsguys like we don't hide our income so

you can see what we make if we go backto one of his worse months okay to use this as an example we go down and welook at what he's made he lists everything bluehost$30,000 in commissions guys from one month just from bluehost alone and he'smade that money by creating a video on youtube how to create a website exactlylike aidid and from his blog so those are his two free traffic sources hisblog and his youtube and if we go to resources up here guys he also has alist of resources where people can go and get resource like going going getstough right leadpages is the landing page creator if they click try leadpageshe gets commission back in april i she

listened look at one of those bittermonths will look at this month here 258,000 he did a scroll down he did31,000 and bluehost he did 7,000 with leadpages which is this for a programhere convertkit he did 13,000 so it all adds up now it's obviously it's verynice gradual increase is making more money more money every month that's thething what this stuff goes once you start out you just keep making moneyover and over again alright so that is a really good trafficsource you can use as blogs and youtube channels to make money with affiliatemarketing and this guy's is exactly how i've been making consistent commissionsright here every single day by promoting

other people's products on my blog andwhat i do is i also have a tools section where people can go and they'll see thetools that i'm using and zhao and i'll get an affiliate commission every timethey click on here and purchase via my links alright pretty cool now what a fewhow do you find like how do you find products well it's simple you can use umthings like like the website hosting you can lose things like clickbankbut one of the best ways i recommend to make affiliate commissions guys isamazon okay so much money to be made and i'll tellyou why just the other day i was on youtube searching for d is al camerareviews right but what i'll do is we'll

go to amazon and we'll put d dsl cameraright and i'm gonna go to canon eos rebel and i'm gonna copy that bad boyand we're gonna put that into youtube and we're gonna go review yes i listento a lot of rap guys like go this into rap how about thatno surprises everyone does that nowadays i love my rap my trap musicwe're gonna go enter and canon rebel t 6 review now if we go to the bottom herethere is a link to amazon and guess what if we purchase this product via thatguy's link he gets a commission but not only that if i come back to amazon andsay a week's time and i go hunting it saves the cookie in the browser andif i purchase these binoculars for $41

that same person right here is going toget another commission so i get a commission from more stuff that theypurchase from amazon amazon youtube is one of the best ways to dolefullymarketing especially if you're starting out and you can also do blogs and reviewlet's go here kennan rebel t6 let's go to google put that in review what popsup let's go review here let's check it out there's probably gonna be affiliatecommission's affiliate links inside here we go shop now go here amazon that's itguys it's so easy to go and write a reviewabout a product do a video about a product this videosfour minutes long guys or five minutes

long five minutes long and all he doesis he just plays with the camera has a little bit of a talk and if you're shyguys and you don't even want to be in front of the camera you can have acamera that faces down on you in front of a disc like i've got a disc right infront of me now and i can just play with the camera play off the camera on theplay off the camera on the camera god that was a mouthful and then that can doa narration over and afterwards or i can actually pay someone on upwork if i likeor fiber to do a narration for me and review the camera for me with theirvoice so you don't even have to speak on camera that's the beauty of stuff likethis okay guys so you've seen the

possibilities of this like check thisout 30 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks $100,000 from this particular producti'm also doing amazon stuff but i do paid i don't do any youtube amazon stuffbut the thing is guys blogs to get your traffic use blogs and this is how youend youtube and this is how you get traffic on youtube guys i'm gonna gokenan yes ios review rebel review you go and get the top look at the top videoslike top 5 and you do similar titles to them you do similar descriptions and youdo very simple a copy or do similar tags to them and what's going to happen guysis you're going to show up in the suggested feed right here that's whereyou want to be the suggested feed if you

can get into there consistently all thetime you're gonna get so many views and make a good amount of money so what iwant you to do right now is not look for excuses on how to stand a flip businessbut going to start doing videos start doing blog posts and start to build up acommunity for free around your reviews if we go look at my blog one more timeright here real quick we'll go i have to go back to the home and then go to theblog page i need an update this ivan guys the thing about my blog is it doesover $100,000 a year and i've only done two blog posts in the last year crazyright so anyway nexthere's an article about someone that

took my advice and they made some reallygood money here's a review that i did on clickfunnels and then now i getclickfunnels commission's i did a nice review didn't take me long when peopleclick on this link it takes them to clickfunnels where i get a commissionalright guys super simple super easy that's how yougot there right now the easiest way to start an affiliate business start a bloggo to places like amazon find some products to review start a blog start ayoutube channel and start to get those affiliate commission's coming in that'swhat everyone's doing now that's how they're making lots of money i bet if weclicked on one of these there would be

more here we go look amazon links toamazon once again six minute video crazy alright guys that's just a little crashvideo on how affiliate marketing works and how i go out there and have a blogthat does over six figures per year and you can see the potential and actuallydoing this and how much money can be made by showing me those other blogs nowi don't have an affiliate course i know a lot of people will be asking me if ihave one because courses fast-track things get and give you a lot moreinformation however i am working on an affiliate course so if you actuallyclick the link below you'll get put on the vip waiting list and then once thecourse is released which will be very

very soon i will send you an email andyou'll be getting a special deal because i'll be doing a special discount to thepeople who get on that list before i go and release it to the public now ifyou've been in any of my courses before you know that they are full of qualityso much quality content a lot better than a lot a lot of the stuff out therenowadays and you'll get a lot of value from that and you will make a bunch ofmoney so click on the link below or i will actually put it up on the screenthis screen right here it will be on the left somewhere on there where you can goand get on the vip list also subscribe a new top corner wherever that pops upthis side or that side and check out my

other videos and i'll see you guys inthe next video

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