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how to get money from internet without any investment
that's welcome back to smarter trader and this is diet ball so far to this topic is that students can make money from home yes yes guys i wanted to do this video very bad me because i just want to say when i was a student when i was studying my big of when i wanted to make my pocket money right so for my bedroll and
my pocket money i need to make a lot of money to throw my life so i was finding various ways how i can make money but i spent a lot of money for the dietary jobs i i gave a lot of money initially investment for ad posting jobs and nothing was such fun and i don't put money i'll make more money and that didn't happen so now i know what to
stock market and how i can make money stock market so i thought why should our the upcoming students who are finding a lot of things on google youtube how to make money so that i made this video just to tell them you can yes you can make money and one of the best way is our stock market yes guys for all the students are
watching this video you can make money from stock market all your needs to just you know have friends from one to two months googling and watching youtube videos and understanding what a stock market basic thing how to do you get an idea what the stock market ok as soon as you see my video everyone still don't want to stock market orders by and said
just go to google and type everything nowadays everyone have smart phones and internet please do check and get it is it get healthy out very good with ok so you can make money you can you can invest our 5,000 10,000 nowadays every student has an average of 50,000 rupees forward and the arcadian bags you spend a lot of money and courses on bags and
actually try to spend this fight 10,000 thinking this is your own business part-time business ok so considering that i don't invest five to ten thousand rupees and you can make a lot of money like 200 rupees 300 rupees every day and for students making to hunt that the creative with every day is not
a small amount guys at me ok so definitely you need some time to learn it and i will be guiding that and guys yes that is a lot of requests from my subscribers that they need a beginner's guide videos so definitely i'm going to start of the series of videos for business along with my strategy with you i'll be putting these
beginners guide for all the people who do not know what the stock market who wants to start reading that people watching my channel today who does not know to create so there are a lot of questions coming in a lot of personal messages coming to my youtube channel they are asking the surf can you take us through from the start from scratch so
definitely if that unless people are more people definitely i was like to make simple videos for you guys to understand how to start of stock market how to start your account and how to create an account how to learn how to do paper trading and then once you are good at it how to put money and then start doing those series of videos so if you
are a new person who's watching this video please do subscribe to my channel so that you will get you will be up to date with all my new videos so thank you so much for watching this video please do like share and comment and if you have any doubt please put your comment below or send me a personal message whenever i get free time i will try to
applying you guys okay thank you so much and please do put your submissions what what what else i can do for you guys out whenever i get time and i was the situation help me out and make a video for you guys definitely to thank you stay tuned see you soon bye
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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel or welcome ifyou're new here. if you are new here, hey what's up my name is "danielle jordan" and in thisvideo i'm going to be telling you guys five ways that you can "make money superfast as a teenager". i am 19 years old and i am also a college student. i am in mysophomore year of college and i definitely know how it feels to not haveenough money to do all those fun things that all your friends are doing likegoing out to eat, or just exploring the city that you live in. so trust me i'vebeen there, and i am still there. so i have compiled a list of five things thatactually work if you "want to make money super super fast as a teenager". none ofthe things on this list require you to
take surveys and none of them requireprevious experience which i think it's awesome so you guys enjoy my tips makesure to let me know they're giving this video a big thumbs up and if you watchthe entire video make sure to press that subscribe button that is right downthere it would make my day more than you know and i would love to have you join alittle family and with all that stuff aside let's just get into the video myfirst tip and also the tip that i advocate most for is to write or createcontent that you are passionate about if you are passionate about literallyanything and you feel that you could portray that passion over on a blog or ayoutube channel i say go for it i know
it can be super scary especially ayoutube channel because the concepts of putting yourself out in the internet issometimes on the satellite to a lot of people and understandably so becauseobviously it's kind of scary sometimes but if you are at all passionate aboutanything and you want to create a blog or a youtube channel i say do it becauseit is so much fun and if you continue on with it and you stay really passionatewith it throughout months for years or however long you want to do it or thatcan come to create revenue and it's really awesomethat's something that you love can also become your job and i've been luckyenough
that's happened to me and i would loveto see that happen for some of you guys the second tip that i have for you guysis to sell your old clothing and this tip is actually super easy to do becausethere are so many apps out there that are specifically made to help peoplelike you sell their old clothing and it just makes the entire process super easybut if you're not interested in downloading an app and making a profilethen what you can do is create your own custom instagram page specifically foryou to sell your own clothing both of which i think are really greatmethods to sell your own clothes and a lot of people really enjoy buyinghand-me-downs because they're cheaper
and especially if they're in goodcondition i mean you just can't really go wrong mythird tip is specifically for those of you who are in college like i am and asuper easy way to make money really really quickly is to sell back your oldtextbooks i know that you can definitely sell back your old textbooks at yourschool book store and that there even some websites that help you do it ifthere are any that i can find i'll have them linked down below butanother thing that you can do is if you happen to have any friends that are toolazy to bring back their own textbooks you can offer to take theirs sell themback and then you take a portion of the
money so that's just another option thati think could be really useful i know that some of your friends willdefinitely appreciate that offer before the tip that i have for you guys is toutilize resources like caricom all of this is about to sound super sponsoredand i promise it's not i'm not getting page say anything in this video butright now i'm looking at the website and i didn't realize that theyoffer jobs in child care housekeeping pet care special means senior care andtutoring i don't have any experience using this website i'm not gonna lie toyou guys but i know a lot of people who have usedcaricom and they rave about it they're
like obsessed with it so i can'trecommend it but you guys were looking for a job in like babysitting ortutoring if you're like really good in a subject i would highly recommend caricomi've heard amazing things about it so i'll have the link for that down belowmake sure you go check that out and if you do and you have good experiencesfrom it make sure to let me know i'm gonna find outis something that is just a little bit more fun compared to the other ones andthis is something that you can do from the comfort of your own bed if youwanted to but when i was doing a little bit of research for this video i found awebsite called music x-ray which i had
never heard of before in my entire lifebut turns out what it is is the website will give you a new music to listen toand when you listen to it and i guess to review it they will pay your money inreturn for listening to that new music which i think is pretty awesome becausei'm a person who loves finding new music it's something that is just so much funto me so the fact that i can find music and then get paid for it kind of justsounds of a win-win so if you guys want to check that out i will link to it downbelow i even did some research and turns outit's not a scam it's actually kind of legit so i haven't recommend that youguys check that out because i know that
i'm going to be doing it all the timeand if you guys have any good or bad experiences with it make sure to leavesome comments down below because i'm sure it would help me and everyone elsewatching this video so that is if your my video i really hope you guys enjoyedit and if you did make sure to let me know and it comes down below i think itis so much fun to respond back to your comments so if you have time make sureto write something down there and i will make sure to get back to you and if youwant to see more content from me make sure to press that subscribe button thatis right down there it would make me so so happy and with all that being said iwill talk to you guys very soon in my
next video and i love you very much bye
how to get money from internet 2016
i remember being seven years old, living iniran, and my father would take me to one of my favorite places. it was an indoor swimmingpool. massive indoor swimming pool and they would make these special drinks that i loved.and there was a man there who was a good friend of the family. they now live in southern their family. and i remember that every time i would speak to this man, he would alwaysgive me so much respect. always give me so much respect. and on time he sat me down andhe looked me in the eye and he told me, "patrick, do you know why i respect you so much?" andi said, "no, i really don't know." he said, "because one day, you're going to lead theworld. because one day, you, as a seven-year-old, are going to be a 25, 35, 45-year old leadingother people. i want to give you respect from
now." i get the chills every time i tell thisstory, all over my body. you see, because, any president in the world, any great ceoin the world, any great entrepreneur in the world, at one point was a teenager with adream and a heartbeat, thinking, i want to do something big in my life. i want to makean impact in my life. how do i do it? so today's message is directed to teenageentrepreneurs. and by the way, if you're watching this and you're not a teenage entrepreneur,share this video with teenage entrepreneurs that you may know, or even teenagers thatwant to figure out a way to make more money. i'm going to share 14 different ideas thatany teenager can put in place, and start making money today. because i'm talking from experienceon how i started making money at ten years
old. let me start off telling you a couple of waysthat i did it. i remember being ten years old running a recycling business at a swimmingpool, local in germany. i remember being 13 years old, going around all over the place.i had a point here, so i want to go with the first one. the first point for teen age entrepreneursto make money -- it's something i did. and i'm telling you, i didn't grow up in awealthy family. some people that are watching this may say, "i'm from a prestigious family,i would never bring myself to that level." that's totally fine. i'm just telling youhow i made my money. i was 13 years old, living in glendale, californiaand i had a friend of mine named adrian. we
wanted to buy this card of sergei fedorovand sergei fedorov at that time upper deck came out. some of you may know sergei fedorov,their rookie card was a fascinating rookie card. we both wanted it and we wanted to buya box of upper deck and split the 36 packs, 18 and 18 we'd split it. and so when our parentswould go to sleep at night at 10, 11 o'clock, we had a shopping cart. i'd go grab the shoppingcart and we'd go to all the local -- this is what i did -- you don't have to do this.we'd go to the local trashcans and we'd collect either the cans or two liter bottles. andwe would collect them, we'd go to the local albertson's and recycle every single one ofthem. we'd make five bucks, and we'd do that a few times a week. eventually after a month,you have about $100. and you can buy cards.
whatever it was, that was mine. today, there are many other ways to do this.if i was 12 years old today, 11 years old today, 13 years old today, i would go to everysingle person in my community that my parents approved of -- you've got to make sure yourparents can say that you can talk to these guys, and you've got to make sure you getthe confirmation from your parents. but i would go and i would ask, hey, do you mindif i collect all your cans and i would give them special plastic bags or boxes for themto put and you'd come and clean it for them, except you're recycling. and i would bringthat back, and have bags and ask my mom or my dad to take me to the recycling place andi would recycle and take that money, so one,
you're being a positive, great citizen tosociety because you're cleaning the place out and number two, you're making money fordoing that. that's one of the ways that any, any, any teenage entrepreneur can make may say, "pat, i don't like that idea." stay with me. second idea. here's the second idea. socialmedia. most adults have no clue about social media. i tell you no clue. when i say adults,i'm not talking about 22-year-olds, i'm taking about maybe 35, 45. it's not that they don'thave any clue -- but most of them don't know a lot about social media. and you would beamazed how many of them are intimidated by it. for instance, this whole idea came aboutbecause i'm on snapchat and i'm pretty active
now on snapchat. i'm on a 90-day health transformationprogram. i'm trying to get to a certain shape that i've never been before and i want toget to that. so every morning i post my pictures on what i look like, and it's not the mostcomfortable thing to do, but i want to get rid of this gut. i want to get into very,very good shape, just like i used to be at 21, 22 years old. and i'm starting to dialoga lot with people that use snapchat. [why don't we pull up my snapchat code so otherpeople can use it as well. and follow me on snapchat. i'm very active on snapchat.] andi'm getting a lot of teenagers that would message me and say, "pat, can you do a videoon entrepreneurship for teenagers? pat, can you give us some ideas? i know you talk alot about business and scaling and how to
do this, how about me? i'm 14-years old. iwant to find out how to make money. how can you help me?" so the idea for this video camefrom snapchat because i got a message and i responded back to it and said, "let's makea video for this." now, i didn't know how snapchat worked. letme tell you how i learned about how snapchat worked. i'm in bakersfield once -- mario,were you with me in bakersfield, when shawan was right next to me, and i said, shawna,show me how to use snapchat? and he started giving me ideas about snapchat. [mario: yes.]then i go to florida and was spending time with phoebe, she is now i want to say 16 yearsold and for 30 minutes, she showed me snapchat. she's 16 years old, i'm 37 years old. sheshowed me snapchat, right? "patrick do this,
here's how this works, you need to do this,you need to do that," and we went through the whole thing together -- you can do thisand you can put your finger and do this. all these things she taught me, i know nothingabout it. and by the way, let me put it to you this way. i would have paid $100 for that.i would have paid $100 for that. you may be 13 years old and watching this and say, pat,c'mon now. you'd pay $100 for that? yes! yes. if you go locally, and you tell your mom anddad, "mom, dad, can you start telling friends and family that i'm going to teach everybodyabout social media and how to use instagram and who do we have that's business owners.can you help me out?" parents don't mind helping you make money. so then you go out there andstart talking about how to use this, how to
use that and next thing you know, you're making$50 here, $100 here. there's even a guy, my pastor's son who started teaching other people-- his name is dallas -- who started teaching other people how to get a following on to get a following on instagram. how to get a following. . . he started really doingso well that other people started paying him $300 a month, $200 a month, $400 a month fordoing this, and now he's got a business for himself. and every single month he helps increasefollowing and i know a lot of teenagers know how to increase following and exposure, thatmaybe adults want to know how to do. i will tell you, if i was 13 years old today, ifi was 12 years old today, if i was 14 years old today, i would be making at a minimum,$2000 - $3000 a month just teaching adults
on social media and it would not be a hardthing to do if i was that today. now you may say, "pat, i don't want to dosocial media." no problem, i've got another one for you. fiverr. let me tell you about fiverr. canwe put a picture of fiverr up here so they know what it is? fiverr is a website for freelancers.and you may ask, "pat, but for fiverr you have to be 18 years old." no you don't. forfiverr you have to be 13 years and older to be on fiverr. now you need parent approvalto get paid and all that other stuff, but you need to be 13 years old or older as afreelancer on fiverr to make it work. so what can you do on fiverr? here's what fiverr'sall about. you're a good writer? you say,
"i edit blogs" for $20, for $10, for $5, noproblem. people start sending you postings so you start with friends and family and ifyou do a good job for them, and you ask them to review you, and your rating goes up, nowyou're somebody that other people know, and you start getting $5, $10, $20 offers fromother people. we do this all the time ourselves at the home office. write, voice, you would be amazed, how manymovies, studios, need a voice for a certain script and all you do is sit there and recordthe same thing seven times and they pay you $20 for it. editing, graphic design, animation,photoshop, there's a lot of opportunities on fiverr for teenagers to make money on.
#4:babysitting -- pretty simple, not thatcomplicated. can i help you babysit? great, just make sure the parents that you chooseto help babysit, that are ones your parents approve of. it's very critical for your parentsto approve of who you're babysitting, while you're doing that. #5: pet sitting. there's a lot of guys andkids in the community that will come and say, "do you want me to walk the dog? i'll do itfor $10. i'll do it for $5. i'll do it for $20. great, they go do laps for 20 or 30 minutes,and i'll give them $10. i don't have a problem with that. and depending on the communityyou live in, you start watching people that have dogs, you monitor them when you're know, that lady has a dog, this lady has
a dog and you ask them, "hey, would you likeme to walk the dogs for you once a day? i charge $5 for once a day, $10 for twice aday," whatever the number may be for you, and you would be amazed how many people willsay yes. the next thing you know, if you have 10 clients, 10 dogs, and you're walking themonce or twice or three times a week, you're making $500 a month, $500 per month is a lotof money for a 13-year-old. #6- running errands. running errands. i havea next-door neighbor, this kid is named luke. i love this kid. i mean, i love -- i tellthis kid every single time, you're going to do big things in your life, because he'llcome and knock on the door, and he'll say, "hi jennifer. hi patrick. is there anythingi can help you with?" such as what? now, family,
pure world-class family on who they are. "isthere anything i can help you with?" they'll come and they'll play with my kids or they'llcome and do reading -- so many different ways. and you're talking $20 here $20 there, andwe may not think $20 is a lot of money, but luke is making $20 here and there and that's$100 bucks, $80 bucks, and he does that with five, six different families. look at thekind of potential that could be. #7: next, landscaping. landscaping is prettyobvious. a lot of kids do it, a lot of teenagers do it. mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow,picking up leaves, pulling out weeds, cleaning out the garage, there's a lot of ways youcan do that and get three buddies. ask who needs it and they'll pay $30 and you splitit with your three buddies, $10 apiece, and
you can clean it up, or $50. i wouldn't havea problem doing it myself and paying for somebody with that. next one, #8. code academy is a website strictlycreated and currently it's free. investors have invested i think a quarter billion dollarsinto code academy. it is a website similar to khan academy. they teach you how to code,for free. you don't pay them anything. so you're a 12-year-old kid and you know theworld's headed towards technology. and you want to learn how to code, go on code academyand start learning how to code. you will learn how to code. and if you learn how to code,guess what? i am a person that runs a liquor store. i want to have a website. now you canhelp me set up a website for $500. i'm somebody
local that your father needs help with something,i'll help with it. your mom, your uncle, your cousin, people start asking you. code academytaught yo how to build a website, now you know how to do it. now you have a websitebusiness. so #9 sell products and ebay and amazon. i didthis before. you can sell baseball cards, you can sell a lot of different things can go to a 99 cent store and buy a bunch of things for 99 cents. and i'm being deadserious with you. if you have a 99 cent store near where you live, and you sell that for$7, you sell that for $5, and you add $3.99 shipping and handling, and everything is goingfrom your house, and you're making money, and you don't even have to go anywhere. upscomes and picks up 20 items you sold, it goes,
you're paypal account linked, approved byyour parents, you're making money coming in, so there's a lot of ways you can do that withamazon and ebay. #10: next, start a blog. start writing a what do you write about? you could write about mickey mouse. you can write about thomasand friends. you can write about so many different things. you can write about movies that comeout for teenagers. you can write about g-rated movie, cartoons, disney movies. i met a guythe other day [where were we?] we were in san diego, and this gentleman got up and hewas a former attorney, and he makes $150,000 per year, and all he talks about is mickeymouse, and disneyland. that's all he talks about. all he talks about is mickey mouseand disneyland. so you could talk about frozen,
you could talk about anything that you knowabout frozen, anything you know about cartoons, anything -- it doesn't matter what it is.then you create a website and there's a following and you have your friends and family shareit, and the next thing you know, you have affiliates on your website, they're buyingthings, you have partners, there's advertising, and many opportunities will come up if youdo that with a blog. now do that if you are a good writer and make sure you get googleadsense to help you out with that. #11: the next one is to start a youtube channel.[mario, what is that youtube channel you were talking about, where a kid reviews toys? mario:evantube.] i saw this, i was fascinated by it, young kid, i want to say eight years old,evan tube. how many subscribers does he have?
[mario millions.] i want to say it's 2.9 milliontype of thing. evan tube has -- let's put a picture so they can see it as well, let'sgive evan tube some love -- 3.1 million subscribers. he monetizes that. his video right there hasthree million views. he monetizes that and youtube pays him and he's eight years old,seven years old. so he reviews toys. you can review games, new technology. you can do howto, how to use snapchat, how to -- it can be a how-to site. there's ways, i know ifmario and i were 14 years old right now, we'd be running a prank youtube channel and we'dbe rocking the house if we ran a prank youtube channel. i would be a rock star. i would bean online superstar if some of my friends from the past would know of the pranks i'vepulled, 99% of them we can't even share with
you right now but you can do pranks, youtubechannel. you can do online tutoring. i know a friend of mine, she was always coming outwith, i would mentor her for many years when i was in california. what was it called? [mario:tutors 2 you] and she started the business very small, and she was charging, you know,10, 15, 20, 35 bucks and all of a sudden, next thing you know, other people are, shecan't tutor the families any more, and other people. okay, and she started doing very,very well for herself with tutors 2 you, so you can do that yourself. you can sing, you can play an can do a cover. you can do music lessons, you can do so many different things. now obviously,you've got to figure out how to monetize your
channel on youtube, and you can click on thelink on the bottom, a video that explains how to get your youtube channel to start monetizing,because you need a google adsense account, it's not hard to do. a lot of kids are doingit now. and all you need, you can do it with a phone camera, that's all you need -- a phonecamera. you can use a computer camera. you can get someone to create an opening for you,the ending for you. it's not hard. you can use someone from fiverr to help you make thevideo cleaner. there's a lot of ways nowadays to create and it's free to start a youtubechannel anyway, so give it a shot and see what happens. if you're not going to start a youtube channel,become a tutor. so you can tutor online.
so point #12 is tutoring. you can tutor math,english. start local, tell kids, put signs, put flyers that parents talk about it, andnext thing you know, you have a tutoring business. #13 is washing cars and detailing cars. iknow a lot of 11, 12-year-olds who work on cars with their fathers and they are fascinatedby cars and they're just so meticulous on how they handle cars because they saw it fromtheir father and what do t they do it right in front of their house,tell everybody to come at this time over here, park the car. use your dad's stuff that hehas and charge $10, $15 and wash the cars with a buddy of yours and split the the end of the day, let me tell you something, here's a fascinating thing. i will not tipa kid or a teenager the same thing i will
tip an adult. i don't know why that is, butwe will tip teenagers more than we will tip adults. let me explain. it's a psychologicalthing. we want to help, right? so if i go out there and all of a sudden somebody doesa car wash for $25, no problem, here's another $20. it's $25. the other day, we were in highlandpark and i was looking at some purses for my wife and my son and i were walking, andthese kids were doing a lemonade stand, which is another way to make money. lemonade stand."oh, it's just a dollar for lemonade. i said, here's $20. why are you doing this?" we'repart of an entrepreneur program. remember this for the rest of your life. i give $20each and left, and they were so excited about it on what happened.
and the last point, point #14, here's point#14. this is my favorite one. and let me tell you, teenagers watching this, we are countingon you to help us out with this and there is a lot of money if you figure out how todo this. ready? grab a pen and paper. you can do it with your parents. you can do itwith a couple of peers. you can do it with a sibling and write down the most common problemsthat teenagers face today. i'll give you a few of them. write down the most common problemsteenagers face today and how can you be the solution to those common problems. ready?let me help you out. bullying. cyber-bullying. how can you help with that? #2 could be drugs,cigarettes, alcohol, believe it or not, nowadays it's out there with everybody. sex, peer pressure,dating. i know most parents don't want to
talk about this. it's out there. more aretalking today than before, but it's out there. so how do you fix that? how do you talk aboutthat? how do you create a business out of it that also serves and helps other people?peer pressure, comparison, constantly being compared to other kids, appearance, self-esteem,career, eating disorder, grades, fitting in, problems at home, broken homes, doesn't matter what it is. these are the problems, and i want you to sit because yourmind is extremely creative, and unfortunately, teenagers watching this, the world is generallygoing to force you to no longer be creative. you keep being creative. take your mind andsay, "what if we could do this? what if we could do that?" and then all of a sudden,oh my, we can do this. and then see if there
is a way of turning it into a business. generally,it could cost you $500 to start a business or $1,000 or $2,000 or $800 and you can goto uncles, local people helping you out, and the next thing you know, you're starting somethingsmall that ends up being something big. is it going to work 100% of the time? not atall. but guess what? quit quitting. keep going with it. you keep doing it and all of a sudden,some idea could end up becoming so revolutionary where we're reading about you on forbes magazineor inc. magazine or entrepreneur magazine or somewhere online that you created somethingthat is being used around the world. because we're counting on you to come up with newinnovation that we can use one day ourselves. so with that being said, now that we havethat down, we've got 14 different points,
there's a couple of things i want you to do.most teenagers that choose to become entrepreneurs -- you've got to think how entrepreneurs this is for young entrepreneurs but teenagers nowadays are starting to read business bookslike never before. i wrote a book with a very good friend of mine called tom ellsworth.tom ellsworth is famous for being part of jamdat and he was one of the seven partnerswhen they sold jamdat to ea sports for $680 million. he's a very good friend of mine.he's the president of our company now. he and i wrote a book called the life of an entrepreneurin 90 pages. this is because of a video that we produced -- mario, when did we launch thevideo? october 31, 2015 that got 28 million views on facebook. we decided to write a bookcalled the life of an entrepreneur in 90 pages.
it's a simple book. buy this book. read thisbook. any young entrepreneur, anybody watching this ought to read this because the chapternumber one is probably the most important chapter and this is one of the reasons whywe put the chapter in there and it's called the truth: accepting reality. it's a difficultchapter, but it's a very important chapter. i wish i knew about that early one when ibecame an entrepreneur. buy this book, let's put a link somewhere on here. if we don'thave it here, we can put a link on the description and if it's on my website, it will be on thedescription as well for you to do that. go, read the book the life of an entrepreneurin 90 pages. and if you're watching this and you're not a teenager, please share this videowith other teenagers that can apply some of
these concepts and start making money. andif you are a teenager. there's a couple of things i want you to do. follow me on snapchat-- young entrepreneur or anybody, and whatever you implement and start getting results, i want to hear about it. message me and tellme, "pat, this is what i did that worked for me. i made $6000 that last year here, parttime. hey, pat, i did this last month and i made $428." great. i want to hear aboutit. i want to hear about your success stories, because you're going to be a great exampleof a lot of other people saying, "well, you know, for me to work you need to be 16 yearsold and no one's hiring 16 year olds nowadays. you're taking the excuse away from all yourother peers in high school who don't know how to make money. and you're making a grand,two, three, four, five, maybe even $10,000
a month as a teenage entrepreneur, helpingout your parents to pay for your college education, a car when you need it, obviously your parentswill have to approve of it, but you'll have an edge on life. you'll have an edge becauseyou've learned how to work hard, create, make money and bring value to the world. so that'sthe message to everybody here for teenage entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs. and i want to make a request here for youto subscribe to this channel. we are growing extremely fast right now with this youtubechannel and i'm getting more and more requests. we can't do more than two videos at this time.i'm going to have some major projects that i'll be announcing here soon, so be sure youclick on the bottom below to subscribe to
this channel. our goal is to get to 100,000subs by august 31st and we need your help and everybody's help to help us get to 100,000fans. you know, we get a lot of great commentary about this being the greatest channel on youtubefor entrepreneurs and we have so much different content you can go on. i know that we cango pound for pound against anybody else on youtube for content about entrepreneurship,so subscribe and watch a few other videos and share this video with other teenage andyoung entrepreneurs. and if you've got any questions and comments, comment on the bottom.and if you watch this video on any other website, except for youtube, you can always go backto for more videos. take care everybody. bye bye.
how to get money by internet
how to make money online: ten years ago seventeen percent of the world's population was using the internet on a regular basis and only ten years this number has jumped too close to fifty percent the fact of the matter is for anyone that hopes to eventually own their own business work for themselves or even become financially independent
the internet is the key there's a lot of money to be made in the first part of this video we're going to take a look at four very different methods that people are using as we speak to make money online if you want to skip ahead to a method that interests you the most you can check out the description box to skip forward after that we're going to
talk about exactly how you can learn to do these methods and start making money yourself so let's jump right into it alright so the first method that we're going to take a look at is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is essentially when you refer someone over to a product it could be a digital or a physical product and you get a
percentage of the commission so let's say for example i am interested in buying some self development books so i'm your average consumer and i type in top self-development books of 2016 and these are the search results click on the first link like most people do and it redirected to a page that's essentially a review page about what
this guy thought the best books of 2016 art and i'm scrolling down and all this book stands out so i click over here and as you can see this is actually amazon link it redirects you to amazon what this guy is doing on his website is he's actually using what's called an amazon affiliate let's say as a consumer i do decide to buy this book i added to my
cart what will happen is amazon will pay this blogger a percentage of this $17 and for amazon it ranges anywhere from six to fifteen percent let's say ten percent he makes about a dollar seventy cents and you might say well that's not that much money the great thing about amazon is if you
decide to buy another book let's say this one this one stands out and i decided by this one amazon will also give you a percentage of this book for the next 24 hours anything you buy on amazon will give this person a percentage of everything you buy another way to find affiliates is by just typing in any company and the word affiliate
we're going to use move for example move a website that sells business cards and i typed in affiliate brought me to this page and over here you can see a commission structure as you can see for every customer i bring over to move that decides to buy i get eight dollars and every time they return i get another 250 and the great thing
about failure marketing lies in the fact that you don't need to invest anything to start making money all you have to have is some form of traffic which is why the majority of youtubers the majority of bloggers all use affiliate marketing alright so the next method that we're going to take a look at is instagram
instagram is actually considered to be the most profitable social media platform because well everything is very visual think of it as window shopping so let's take a look at how this page millionaire dream with 250,000 followers is making the first thing you notice right here is that he has a link in his biography if
we click on that link let's see where brings us wow brings us to a webinar page and on this webinar page you can see that this is primarily probably his main form of income he has people sign up for the webinar only 500 spots and he probably sells a product a digital product over here let's look at another page motivation mafia these guys
have a lot more followers 1.6 million okay perfect so you can see right here this is what's called a shout-out basically he made a post and in this post in the caption he shouted out another page this agent stephen guy what this is is a way to promote another person's page and these ppl other pages are going to pay large sums of money to
have someone give a shout out to them i believe the rate is if you have a hundred thousand followers it's fifty dollars for shoutouts so if someone has 1.6 million followers anywhere from three to six hundred dollars for one shout out and that's a consistent source of income because you can post six hours ago four hours ago
two articles every two hours he makes a new post and a couple hundreds of dollars and that's all he has to do mostly guys are probably thinking well how do i get to this many followers well we're going to cover that towards the end of the video another method of making money is through sponsorships so we're on another
page gym means official and let's take a look like this is probably a sponsorship okay awesome so this guy not only did he shout out this page do even but this page do even has a website some sort of online store so this is what's called a sponsorship because this company do you even com is
paying gym means official a large sum of money to have them shout out their page and bring in large amounts of traffic going to talk about is kindle kindle is actually met the dai personally use and it brings me a decent sum of money every single month kindle is a part of amazon which is the third largest search engine in the world
let's take a look let's assume that we're a random consumer and we're interested in social skills this brings us to a page filled with books out of all these books here maybe this one and this one and possibly this one are actually you know big-time publishers every other book is published by someone like you and me let's look at
this one so this one by mr. tom benfield price point is 299 study makes two dollars off of every copy sells the cover as you can see subpar and there's not that many reviews there's actually a very easy way of being reviews but we're not going to talk about that in this video today in order to find out how much money these
guys making off of this one book we scroll down here and we take a look at the amazon best sellers rink he's like that around a hundred thousand in the kindle store which means he's making about one sale a day so he's making about two dollars a day you might say well that's not that much money well the whole point of kindle the whole
strategy behind building a candle business is to have multiple books 1020 some some people even have fifty a hundred books if you have a hundred books bringing into dollars a day that's two hundred dollars a day that's that's like a 60,000 years salary that's a decent sum of money let's take a look at a book that's right
a little bit higher if you follow methods that you can find online about how to rank your book higher you can get to a spot like this this first by right here he's selling at five dollars so he's making about four dollars every sales let's take a look at how many copies he sells parte de is amazon best sellers rank is 19,000 at a hundred
thousand you're selling one copy a day fifty thousand you're selling about two copies a day at 25 you something about 45 at 20,000 you're probably something about five six copies a day twenty dollars a day from just one book if he scales up and he has ten books like this he's making four dollars a day and this works for any category is not just
social skills you can type in anything like how to take a look at this one how to write a book how to write a book price point is that 299 he's probably selling about four to five copies a day so this book is making him about ten dollars a day and there's a bunch of different categories like this and that's basically how you make money off
the kindle alright so the final method that we're going to take a look at today is fiber fiber is actually a growing platform they've been growing dramatically over the past couple of years and the premise behind it is essentially you get to pay people five dollars to do just about anything they might say well five dollars is nothing
it's not that much money well for any of these guys were just a random category by the way any of these top sellers not only do they have multiple orders in queue which means no discovery has 20 orders lined up but they also have were called up sales basically they provide a better service usually more revisions
and three revisions sometimes a fast delivery and they charge a lot more so what you'll find is that a lot of these orders yes you know maybe half of them will be five dollars but the other half might be 20 some of them will even be 30 some of the more reason to be 40 and they can make a decent sum of money and the great thing about fiber is that they
have categories which can be automated extremely easily anything in the graphic and design category for the most part you can outsource its people in other countries the philippines india pakistan and if you can get yourself onto these top spots right here you don't need that many reviews you can have a decent sum of money coming in a
lot of these you know designs are not made from scratch there's a lot of programs out there a lot of websites out there that will allow you to develop some of these for absolutely free it's just that people don't know how to do that so they come to fiber and they are willing to pay some money to someone who does and that's fiber so what are
the exact methods i need to follow in order to start making money off of any of these methods how do i set it all up funny enough everything you need to know about making money online regardless of the method can be found online the best way to learn any of these methods is by reading a forum post or purchasing a course made by someone who
is already making money from these methods for affiliate marketing there's literally thousands of free posts and videos about setting up an affiliate website so if you're interested in doing that google is your best friend for kindle there's actually a very good course out there my guy named stephanie knows that i personally use and can
vouch for those of you who don't have much money what i would actually recommend is for you to buy the course go through all the lessons and then just ask for a refund i believe you have 30 days to refund the course once you're making money you can always pay him back by buying the course again for instagram i actually know a
guy who grew up a stool over 1 million followers all by himself so if you're interested in making money on instagram you can expect the video about how to grow your own page by the end of the month for fiber there's a bunch of cheap courses out there as well not any that i've personally tried but again look for one that is refundable by it go through
it and just ask for refund i hope you guys doing some value in this video the purpose of the video will give you a general overview an idea of the many many different ways you can make money online if you guys have any questions please leave them in the comments below and i'll make sure to answer as many of them as possible
stay tuned
how to get money back from internet company
hey, guys. in this video, i'm gonna be discussing theeight things that you need to do before you start selling on amazon. if you do these eight things, then you willeasily overcome some of the common stumbling blocks that people encounter when they firststart their amazon business. to find out what these eight things are andhow to overcome them for yourself, keep watching this video. one, get an amazon pro merchant account. now, in the past, i used to recommend thatpeople just get started asap by opening a
free amazon seller account. now, i recommended this because of the factthat i knew that people would resist getting a pro merchant account because, well, it'snot free. however, my opinion on this has admittedlychanged over time and i will now recommend to everyone that they get an amazon pro merchantaccount. and i will recommend this to you even if youresist my advice. why? well, for one very simple reason. one of the eligibility requirements to winthe buy box is that you need to have an amazon
pro merchant account. the amazon buy box is that little add to cartbutton that appears on an amazon item listing. about 80% of the sales for an amazon listingare made by people clicking the buy box. now, let's say that there are five sellersthat are eligible for the buy box. what amazon will do is it will rotate thosesellers around and give each of them some buy box time. about 80% of sales are made by people usingthe buy box so winning the buy box time is crucial. in fact, it's even more crucial as a new sellercompared to being an established seller.
think about it. if people aren't using the buy box, then itmeans that they're opening up the list of sellers and selecting one from the list. and realistically, who are they going to pick,a new seller with no reviews or a seller with lots of reviews? another fantastic thing about the buy boxis that it doesn't show how many reviews the seller being featured has. in fact, it actually gives you very littleinformation about the merchant at all. it means then that as a new seller, you canuse the buy box to get your initial sales
because of the fact that customers will notdiscriminate against you because of a low-to-no number of reviews. so don't cut off your nose to spite your face. get an amazon pro merchant account. now, you can get a free 30-day trial to one. use those 30 days to make plenty of moneyso that when amazon comes and rebills you for the monthly charge, you won't even mind. two, have the right documents ready when applyingfor an amazon account. so i thought that i was doing people a nicedeed by creating a step-by-step video tutorial
on how to open an amazon account, which, bythe way, if you wanna watch that, i will have a link to it in the video description below. unfortunately, within months of creating thatvideo, amazon added a new step to the account creation process, which means that my videois kind of outdated. amazon now require the following when creatingan account. one, photos of a national id like a passportor a driver's license. and two, a bank statement that has your addresson it. luckily, preparing for this is super simple. just do these two things.
one, use a digital camera like the one onyour cellphone to take photos of your national identification. again, a passport or a driver's license isperfect for this. and two, log into your bank and download yourlatest bank statement. then just upload these documents when amazonasks for them during the account creation process, simple. three, act fast. don't wait. here's the thing with amazon, they are constantlychanging their requirements and the honest
truth is that usually, these changes are designedto make the barrier to entry harder and not easier. for example, in 2014, amazon turned the personalcare category from an unrestricted category to a restricted category. and in 2016, amazon changed it so that ifyou are a new amazon fba seller, that you could not send in your first ever shipmentinto their warehouses during the fourth quarter. and in 2017, of course, they made it so thatyou had to upload proof of your national identity when you were creating an account. but here is the thing, if you had been sellingpersonal care items prior to the restriction
changes in 2014, then you would've been grandfatheredinto the program. and in 2016, if you were an established amazonfba seller, then you would've had no problems sending in shipments during the fourth quarter. and, of course, if you had already createdan account prior to their account creation change process, well, then you wouldn't haveto upload any of these extra documents. they do sometimes still ask for them but that'sonly if they think that your account is suspicious. my point here is that the sooner you do thingslike creating an account, the easier it is. so do not wait, act now. and don't be put off restrictions.
what these restrictions do is they make itharder for illegitimate sellers to be selling on amazon, which means that there is lesscompetition out there for legitimate sellers like you. four, pick your amazon business model. of course, before you get started, you needto pick a business model to pursue when creating your new amazon business. the most popular of these include dropshipping,private labeling, retail arbitrage, and wholesale selling. and, of course, each of these business modelshas its own pros and cons and it's important
for you to go out there and research eachbusiness model carefully so that you can pick the one that meets your skill set and youraccess to resources. for example, private labeling has many advantages. one of them is that once it's set up, it requiresvery little time to manage because of the fact that amazon is fulfilling orders foryou. now let's contrast that with dropshipping. no, you don't have to pick and pack the itemand ship it out to the customer, which saves a huge amount of time but you still need toorder the item for each customer when they buy it from you.
on the other hand, private labeling has thedisadvantage of the fact that it costs hundreds to even thousands of dollars to get startedbecause of the fact that you need to manufacture your inventory in advance. now let's contrast that with dropshippingwhich has the huge advantage whereby you only have to order each item for the customer afterthey have purchased it. so weigh out the pros and cons. pick the right business model that meets yourskill set, your life balance, and your access to resources. five, get a credit card or at least a debitcard.
when you sell on amazon, there are fees thatyou need to pay and amazon requires that you have either a credit card or a debit cardto pay them. and when i say debit card, i mean a legitimateone that you got from a bank. you cannot use a prepaid visa or payoneercard. now, if you don't have access to either acredit card or a debit card, do not completely panic. you can still create an e-commerce business. with just a prepaid visa and a paypal account,you can open an aliexpress dropshipping store. now, it's a very different business modelbut it's one that you can open with just access
to those two things. if you are interested in learning more aboutthat business model, then you should watch my free video on that subject, "how to createan aliexpress dropshipping store with no start up money." i'll have a link to that video in the videodescription below. but the truth is is that any serious, long-termbusiness is going to need access to either a credit card or a debit card, ideally a creditcard, which leads me on to my next point. six, figure out a plan to manage your cashflow. the word cash flow probably sounds a bit intimidatingbut trust me, it really isn't.
when i say cash flow, i simply mean have aplan for how you are going to pay for the items that you are selling. this is a crucial thing to plan for becauseas a new amazon seller, amazon is going to hold your money for two weeks. so if you are private labeling and your itemsstart selling super-fast, then you need to have money on-hand to go and purchase newinventory to replace your stock. and if you're dropshipping, then you needto have money to use in the meantime to pay for the items that the customer has orderedwhile you are waiting for amazon to reimburse you.
now, there are two ways to handle this. one, you can have a bunch of money saved upin advance that you can use during this time period. now, if you're dropshipping, about $500 isprobably fine. if you are private labeling, then you mayneed a lot more than that. or two, you can use a credit card and honestly,a credit card is the easiest solution. now, i understand that not everyone has acredit score that makes them eligible to get a credit card, in which case, what i wouldsay to you is use a debit card in the meantime and make it your top priority to build upyour credit score.
and remember, this is a good problem to have. it means that you're a super successful sellerso don't be put off by this, just prepare for it. seven, check if the category that you wantto sell in is restricted. now, there are lots of categories that anyonecan just come in and sell in, such as home and gardening because these categories areunrestricted. if you wanna start selling items in thesecategories, then congratulations. you can just go in and start selling themwithout submitting an application. but unfortunately, there are some categoriesthat are restricted and before you start selling
in them, you're going to need to submit anapplication to do so. now, some restricted categories like clothingand accessories have really easy requirements but others like food and grocery have muchstricter requirements. to find out which categories are restrictedand how to become unrestricted in them, then you should be sure to watch my free videothat i've created on that subject and i'll have a link to that video in the descriptionbelow. eight, set aside time every day and everyweek to both grow and manage your new business. and finally, do not forget to plan to setaside time every week and every day to both grow and manage your new amazon business.
you need to set aside time every day to manageorders and to do things like answer emails. an hour a day should be more than enough,especially in the beginning but make sure you make time for it and make it a priority. so for example, if you come home from workevery day and you're really tired and you don't wanna do it, then make sure that youget up an hour earlier every day so that you can use that time to manage your business. you'll also need to set aside time every weekto grow your business if you don't want it to stagnate. and, well, this is kind of what weekends arefor.
growing and running a business while you'reholding down a full-time job is not easy but it's a rite of passage that basically everybusiness owner has to go through at some point. and trust me when i say that the rewards arewell worth it. thanks for watching this video. if you liked it, i'd appreciate it if yougave it a thumbs up and subscribed to us here at wholesale ted for more great videos likethis. and if you have any questions, be sure toask them in the comments section below. here at wholesale ted, we admittedly get alot of questions but we try to answer as many as we can.
and if you would like to start your own e-commercestore but you don't know how, then you should be sure to download our free ebook, "how tomake $10,000 a month online with dropshipping." you'll find a link on how to download thisincredible, life-changing ebook in the video description below.
how to get money at internet
hey guys i have two main goals with thisvideo the first one is to educate and motivate you to learn how to make moneyonline and the second is to beat improvement pills video on the sametopic and hopefully by accomplishing the first goal by educating and motivatingyou and adding immense value throughout this video it will lead me to my secondgoal because for some reason i'm really competitive anyways the first time thisvideo will be about active income and active income is basically exchangingyour own time for money and the last half of this video will be about passiveincome online which basically means that it requires a little bit of initialstartup time and resources but very very
little upkeep once you set it up and atthe very end of this video i'm going to give you my 3 recommendations for abeginner what i would have told myself a long time ago if i was starting to tryto earn money online so feel free to sit back and learn you can even minimizethis video if you'd like anyways here we go so if you've never heard of amazonmturk before what it stands for is amazon mechanical turk it's basically amarketplace hosted by amazon to do things that robots can't do that theyhave to have humans to do and they outsource it to you guys they outsourceit to people with extra time who want to earn a little extra money there are allkinds of tasks on this website anywhere
from searching data to data entry totranscribing which transcribing means watching and listening to a video oraudio file and then typing it and you can actually make fifteen to thirtydollars an hour if you know how to do this correctly and if you know more thanone language you can actually make money on this website by translating stuff nowi've personally done this and i earned around forty to fifty dollars and ididn't put much work into it but my friend he worked a full time job and heactually did this on the side and he did it for a couple months and actuallyearned more than i think it was like three hundred fifty dollars each monthso they are real they do payout you just
have to put the time into it another wayto make money online is by ebay now you can combine ebay craigslist you can evengo to the dollar store facebook marketplace and basically what you do isyou become an entrepreneur buying low and selling high you know you go to yourlocal dollar store and you find this little trinket oh that looks cooli want to win it cost on ebay you look it up on ebay and you can sell it for 20more dollars it's maybe it's a super soaker water gun you buy it at thedollar store for three dollars you sell it on ebay for twenty three boomtwenty dollars right there it probably doesn't even take you an hour worth ofyour time anyways there are all kinds of
marketplaces out there and if you learnhow to leverage them what sells best to where you can make a ton of moneyflipping stuff number three is surveys now surveys are kind of a pain in thebutt especially because i start getting somespam in the mail but you can't make a ton of money on this there's places outthere like swag bucks which i'll talk about later inbox dollars my pointsthere's all kinds of places you sign up to you take daily surveys and you makemoney that's not going to be a substantial amount like thousands ofdollars a month but if you have a grocery bill or rent or some other typeof expense that you need to get taken
care of that month and you have someextra time it's a great way to fill that gap now on to swag bucks swag bucks ispretty cool because you can literally get paid by searching stuff so i didthis probably a couple years ago and i've been doing it every now and thenwhen my free time and you can earn a lot of extra money doing this basicallyinstead of going to google you use swag bucks custom search engine which you canset it to google and you search stuff like how to tie a tie and then everyonce in a while they'll give you a reward for using their search enginesnow there are tons of other ways to earn money on swag bucks you can actuallyshop if you're going to shop on amazon
and you shop through them they willactually pay you a percentage of money for doing that you can watch videos thatthey have basically like watching advertisements other companies you canplay games answer surveys there's all kinds of ways to make money on this andthey do pay i have been paid by this company usually they just pay you buygift cards which isn't that bad after swag bucks is instagram shoutouts ourinstagram shoutouts is really cool but it does take a little bit of time tobuild up because you have to have an initial following that's really coolbecause initially if you want to get a whole bunch of followers you can gothrough follow 100 people and then
unfollow that 100 people and you'llusually have a net gain of like 10 to 50 new followers if you do that over timemaybe a thousand times in one month or a couple months eventually you'll start togain followers and if you need to you can actually buy them but after you havethat initial following you can actually sell shoutouts if you haven't followedme on instagram yet follow me at practical underscore psych there's someawesome updates on there that i can't share on youtube that i share on myinstagram anyways when i get to around 200,000 maybe even half a million i canstart asking people to pay me so that i can shot themout i have a friend who does this he has
around 2 million instagram followers youmight think holy moley that's a lot of followers to get i don't think i canever do that well he said the same thing around 2 years ago and now he makesaround 5 to 6 thousand dollars a month just by doing shoutouts he's easily madehis money back the next way to make money online is by freelance jobs nowone of the best marketplaces for freelance work is up work and this isactually what i use for all kinds of other stuff so if you're a video editorif you're a graphic designer even if you just want to like literallyplay a video game or test a website people will pay you to do thisalso if you're ever in need of a virtual
assistant up work is a great place to gopersonally i use of work to hire occasional article writers video editorsand even they do some graphic design work that i don't feel comfortable doingmyself but you can sign up to up work as a freelancer which means when someonepost a job you can do it boom they're 60 bucks in your pocket for designing abackground or boom there's $100 in your pocket for editing a six minute videonow another usually cheaper marketplace is fiber the fiber is really coolbecause there's a lot more people that do it usually because this stuff ischeaper and you can make money by selling your services so you can do seowork you can do video editing graphic
design even website feedback if you'recomfortable doing that well you can sell your own services but there's anotherway to make money with fiverr that not very many people know about if they doknow about it they're usually raking in a ton of cash and that is to buyservices from fiverr for $5 $10 and then sell them to businesses who don't knowhow to get the same services that cheap for maybe $100 $200 i've literally seensome guy go to a company and say hey i'll make you a logo for $500 and thenhe takes that and he goes and pays five or $10 he gets a great logo and he justmade like over $400 profit for a weekend's worth of work it's crazy onceyou learn how to do this you can scale
it and make all kinds of money now let'stalk a little bit about passive income now if you don't know anything aboutpassive income i highly encourage you to buy my ebook in the link below it'scalled passive income tutorial and it goes through all kinds of mistakes thati've made in the past and what i've done in the past that has made me successfulin fact one month i actually earned $15,000 a couple months later i actuallydidn't do any work for a solid month i literally read books all month i didn'tdo anything online and i earned $4,000 if you watch all the way through thisvideo there will be a video in the in screen showing that proof and the reasoni did that was as a testimonial to say i
know how to make passive income onlineand you can buy this ebook if you want to learn how because there are a ton ofpeople out there who say they can make money online but the only way that theymake money online is by selling other people the dream that they can makemoney online - anyways the first way you can make passive income online is byselling photos so there are all kinds of websites out there that will pay you apercentage of how much money they earn from selling your photo so stuff likesmugmug pro shutterstock istockphoto if you've ever tried to buy a photo you'llrealize wow that was a hundred dollars for one photowell that's because shutterstock pays a
percentage of that money to the personthat took that photo and you can do the same you can take one photo and thensell it on shutterstock and who knows someone might buy that every day andyou'll get 50 bucks that's 50 bucks a day that you don't have to do any morework and that's the glory of passive income the second way that i've learnedto make passive income online is through clickbank now clickbank is a marketplacebasically of other people's products and the cool thing about this is is that youget to sell someone else's product it's basically affiliate marketing andi'll talk a little bit about that in the future on clickbank personally there areonly two products that i highly
encourage someone to buy because i havebought them before and they're super easy to sellthe first one is k money mastery and the second one is video breakthrough academyand video breakthrough academy it was actually created by one of my youtuberfriends anyways what you do is you make a whole bunch of content and then youlead people to your affiliate link and then whenever someone clicks on thataffiliate link you get a percentage of the sale for example video breakthroughacademy every time i sell one of those i get half of whatever someone pays forthe product so if they pay $300 for that i will earn $150 some people make over60,000 80,000 there are even some people
who earn over half a million dollarsonline through selling other people's productthe third coolest way to make passive income online is through amazonaffiliates now the way that amazon affiliates work is that you put a linkin your description of your youtube channel or your blog or some otherwebsite that you have and what happens is whenever someone clicks on that linkboom they get a cookie on their browser which means any product they buy onamazon for the next 24 hours you get a percentage of and one example of this isthat on my youtube channel i sell ebooks i create book reviews and then i sellbooks in the affiliate link in the
description and someone actually clickedonto one of those links and then went and bought a thousand dollar camera nowi personally did not sell that thousand dollar camera but what happened wasamazon wanted to reward me for directing the person to amazon and they actuallygave me like 50 bucks for that sale i wasn't even selling a camera and thatwas something that is really cool that a lot of people can do and usually themore clicks you can get on your amazon affiliate links the more money you willearn even if it's not selling your product now one guy i know who hasearned a ton on this and has all kinds of experience his name is luke lincolnand he is a website that literally sells
just wireless routers and he isdocumented that he has earned over forty thousand dollars in one monthfrom amazon affiliate earnings now i mentioned earlier that i actually havean e-book and that's a whole another way that you can make passive income is byselling kindle e-books now kindle e-books are really easy to create andsome people think that it's just really hard to make them so they don't get intothem but i bought and went through the k money mastery course which i'll link inthe description below and it teaches you how to create a kindle ebook how tomarket your kindle ebook how to do little tips and tricks on the kindlestore so that it does well and selling
and i did that before i created mypassive income tutorial ebook and it did amazingly well i've earned like six orseven hundred dollars in the first couple months the trick with makingmoney on kindle is not that you have one book that makes you a thousand dollars amonth it's having 100 books that makes you a dollar a day so that adds up andover time your investments start to return on themselves and you have ahundred ebooks maybe making between one and two sales a day earning you onehundred to two hundred dollars a day and that adds up over time so if you'reinterested in that i highly recommend going and checking out k moneymastery and you can do something that
improvement pill recommended which is tobuy the product and then go through the course learn everything and then if youneed to for some reason you need that money back you can ask for a refundbecause there is a 30-day refund on that product you can get that money back andthen you can start creating your kindle courses and then when you start earningyour money back you know it's a respect thing it's a moral thing you should buythe product again so that the guy gets his money the next way to make passiveincome online is by selling digital files now one of the best sites that ifound to do this is self icom and usually they take a commission ofwhatever you sell it's like two to five
percent i think but you can create asmall little course or you can have website templates or you can have yourown wordpress themes and sell it on this website drive traffic to that and theneventually i'll make money another way to make money by selling stuff issigning up for you to me and teaching a course now i've heard by some specificpeople that udemy kind of sucks because they'll gyp you out of money becauseit'll take your $300 course and then put it on sale for $10 so that they can getmore users on their website and that's kind of blackhat kind of ripping offcreators but what i recommend doing is going to teachable calm teachable for mepersonally i think it's way better than
you to me and it's actually what i'mgoing to be making my own personal courses on i'm almost finished with ahabbit course and i'm working on some ideas on social skills money managementand the psychology of your thought those courses if for some reason you'reinterested in this course and you want to coupon on them whenever they come outi guarantee you you will have a coupon you will get a better price thaneveryone else if you go to practical pi comm and put your little email in thatnewsletter thing that whenever i launched that course i will launch itwith a coupon code so that you'll get it a cheaper version so onto a membershipwebsite and this is essentially what i
was going to do with practical pi i wasgoing to say all right everyone $30 a month you can sign up to my membershipsite you'll get all kinds of information that i've learned have regurgitated frombooks everything i've learned from business psychology relationships butthose kind of membership sites take a lot of upkeep and i didn't want to dothat on my own so i outsource it to teachable and whenever i launch mycourse that's what i'm going to use this teachable instead of my own membershipwebsite so that i don't have to deal with the coding and the back-end stuffand the last way that i'm going mentioned how you can make money onlineis by building a youtube channel now
when you build a youtube channel you canmake a lot of money with ad revenue but it takes a ton of views you can actuallymake way more money if you sell stuff in the description you might get 10,000views and that might earn you $20 but if you get 10,000 views and 10% of thosepeople buy a $300 course of yours that's going to earn way more money than thevideo ever will so when you build a youtube channel you have got to bepassionate and i cannot stress this enough because there are tons of peoplewho get into youtube and will make a couple videos and then fall out becausethey're not passionate about it and they just give up and for me i want to tellyou guys personally it took 98 videos
for my channel to hit that big goldenstar and to go boom youtube likes this channel it's going to start promoting itone of my videos got into recommended i learned and after creating 98 videos igot really good at how to create titles how to make your thumbnails and how tomake sure that the viewer was engaged i learned how to do all of that through 98videos now for some reason if you want to skip making 97 videos and you want tohave all of that experience on your own you can actually go and check out thevideo breakthrough academy it's actually created by one of my friends i've wentthrough the course and i was like man i wish i could have learned this stuffback when i was starting my youtube
channel so that i didn't have to learnit all myself actually going through his course i learned even more and it wasreally helpful so if for some reason you guys want to check that out i'll put alink to that in the description below it's called video breakthrough academythere's some amazing value and there he goes over how to make more money onyoutube videos he goes over how to do collaborations correctly he goes overhow to record a video how to script the video a whole bunch of little tips andtricks for engagement and anyways that is one of the best tools that i wouldsuggest so that you can learn how to make money online quicker so we've wentover about 8 active income tips which is
in turks ebay surveys swag bucksinstagram shoutouts freelance work freelance work on fiverr and thenactually selling fiber products to hire businesses and then we also went overeight passive income strategies and that is to sell photos online utilizeclickbank and affiliate sales amazon affiliate sales selling kindle e-booksselling digital files on sulfide using udemy are teachable to create anmine course creating your own membership website and building a youtube channelso now i'm going to give you my three recommendations for any beginners whowant to learn how to make money online the first is to buy the k money masteryprogram ask for a refund and then buy it
again later after you've made your moneyback you can learn as much as you want but premium stuff will always containvalue and sometimes just paying that initial cost of buying the k moneymastery program will motivate you to work harder and become successful sothat you can actually earn your money back it's a great course that would bemy first recommendation for a beginner who wanted to learn to make money onlineas it's been said in the past you've got to spend money to make money and thiscourse really doesn't cost that much for how much you're going to be getting outof it my second recommendation is to sign up for fiber and offer whateverskills you have now there are a ton of
tutorials on this and if for some reasonyou don't have a skill you can start watching youtube videos learn photoshoplearn after effects learn how to code a website learn how to create a beautifuluser interface whatever you can do to offer the world value and then sell thatvalue on fiverr and you make most of your money on fiverr not by selling a 5dollar product but by the upsells selling more expensive upgrades and mylast recommendation for beginners is to buy my ebook in the link below now ofcourse i will be earning money on this but hopefully i've added enough value inthe e-book that you will earn way more money back the first third of the e-bookis actually going through my mistakes
and what kind of mistakes you guys canskip in the future so that you can make money online quicker basically it'llhelp you jump-start your online income career if that's what you want to do ihope you guys enjoy this video i hope you got insane value out of it if youdid share this video with your friends click the like button and subscribe ifyou want more
how to get free money from internet in 5 minutes
in this video i'm going to show youexactly how you can go out there and make a passive residual income everysingle day by using free traffic sources to affiliate offers where you get acommission now if you're new to my channel quite a while ago now quite afew years ago now i decided i didn't want to work for someone else so idecided to pursue online income and so far i've done pretty well and i havequite a lot of income streams well one of my main income streams is affiliatemarketing in different niches and what i do is i actually send free traffic andpaid traffic to these offers but in this video we're gonna focus on free trafficbecause free traffic actually converts a
lot better than paid traffic and it'sactually a lot less work pay traffic is very stressful paid traffic is veryexpensive and it doesn't convert as well as free traffic because free traffic isusually searching for something and you have your product there that you'repromoting right in front of their eyes so they convert a lot better what we'regonna do right now is jump into my computer i'm gonna go back to my officein a second jump into my computer and i'm going to show you exactly how youcan get this done i'm going to show you some examples how i've made over sixfigures in the last six month months as one of my income sources for freetraffic to my affiliate offers now one
thing people often ask me is can youmake a lot of money with affiliate marketing of free traffic absolutelyit's actually one of the most common ways to make money online and and peopleare staying home and living the freedom the life they want right the freedom andthey're staying home and doing that by simply getting this free traffic towhere they want it to be and then that product is in front of your face andthey purchase that product and they get a commission that's how affiliatemarketing works you show them a product somehow and i'll show you how to do thatin this video and you get a commission it can range from 30 50 10% even less acouple of percent on amazon and you get
that money and it's yours to keep that'show affiliate marketing works so what i'm gonna do right now is jump into mycomputer and show you exactly how to do this yourself and show you some resultsand show you how i'm getting free traffic myself toosome of my affiliate offers in one of the niches that i'm working on so let'sjump into my computer right now and show you how to get this done or our guys tostart this off i'm going to show you some commission's that i've made from100% free traffic this is traffic that i did not pay for i also do a lot ofaffiliate marketing with paid traffic but i want to show you how easy it isfor you to go out there as a beginner
and actually start getting commissionsfrom affiliate marketing so here you'll see over a hundred thousand dollars inrevenue and licious toward another search here to refresh it so you knowthis is legit from one product and i'm gonna be blinking out the names becausethese guys don't want to be blasted all over the internet but i have $100,000from one product this is actually the reason it has my name theirs because ithis guy contacted me and said hey do you want to promote our product and weset up a custom page for you so i still get fifty percent commission from thisi'm an affiliate marketer for these guys for this product and i make this moneyon 100% free traffic from my blog on
youtube what i'm gonna be showing you ina second the right so that's just one product here is another product that idid a promotion on once again went to a quick search here so you can see therefresh over six thousand dollars in commissions and this was actually in avery short amount of time with an email list that i built up with free trafficso that's another one here is a another promotion that i just did now these soyou see these commissions 30 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks thousands this will overfifteen thousand dollars in commission this was actually from an email of threeemails that i sent out for a product that i was promoting but that email listi built up for free from my blog alright
and from youtube which i'm going to beshowing you in a second as you can see just hundreds and hundreds ofcommissions 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks will go back here so you know it's legitrefresh 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks just tons and tons of commissions now thisone here is really cool because this is to refresh here so you know we're allgood this one here is really cool because i've made money for free from myblog this is from my blagh no email promotions or anythingconsistently every single day from these products this product here $6,000 thisis actually traffic from this blog post here i don't actually stop promotingthis product quite a while ago because i
actually have my own coarseness now buti did a blog post on e-commerce and how to make money with drop shipping ididn't have a course back then so i promoted somebody else's course and justyou'll see so i actually have my own course in here now but i used to havethe course here not and people just clicked on the link went to that thingand they made money for example if we click on the shopify link here it willtake my readers to shopify and they can go out there and create a shopify storewhere i get a commission so i also make commission like that just solely fromblog posts that don't take long to write and the traffic that comes to theseposts are completely 100% free i do no
advertising for this blog whatsoeverpretty cool stuff right and this is how i actually click the emails so you seethis promotion here why how so since this popped up we'll do a little thinghere this promotion here was from sending out emails that i collected frommy blog so not only do you get money from people clicking on your links ifyou build an email list from the traffic that comes to your site you can promoteproducts to them all the time or cancel just consistently to make a nice littlepassive income so it's about building a business it's not actually just go outthere do blog posts and make money you can do that but if you clicked emailsyou can build yourself a nice little
affiliate business alright so so easy sothis is one of the traffic sources that i use to make to create affiliatecommissions now you might be thinking how much money can you really make froma blog so i make over six figures per year just from this blog alone and i'mgonna show you two examples of people that are making a lot more than me okayso this guy's name is matthew wouldwould he runs a very successful blog and hemakes a majority of his money from affiliate kini've written for this guy on his blog he's very very nice guyi actually just promoted a product of his as well and had quite a bit of moneyof affiliate commissions and just became
fifth in the leaderboard so if you lookhere you'll see he lays everything out for you guys literally everything youneed to do so he makes a majority of his money by promoting these products sothis month he did 85 with that one turns 72 with that one now you might belooking see looking at this and going franken that's not a lot of money that'snot a lot it all stacks up these are from our blog post where he's put linksto these particular products and it all stacks up and he is made this monthalone he usually makes a little bit more but he's made this month alone just onaffiliate commissions guys eleven thousand dollars from you guessed itfree traffic free 100% traffic now
before we go to the next vlog i actuallywant to show you something that i did so this is called bluehost i get acommission every time someone signs up to bluehost under my link and i've donequite a lot of money with bluehost and this is why i went out there and createda youtube video so this is another source of traffic which we're gonna betalking about more in a second i would haven't created a youtube video and theni put a link of the youtube videos how to create a website a nine minute videovery very short i was really bad at doing videos back then so don't worryabout it i'm very antisocial very awkward anti person but now look at mei'm doing very good videos on youtube
but we all start somewhere this videowas so bad guys but it's done of the 15 only 16,000 and commission just fromthis one one video as you can see here when people click on this link it takesthem to bluehost and i make a commission when they're going start a website viamy link really easy to do videos don't take all they don't cost anything foryou to make and doesn't cost anything for you to go and get an affiliate linkand put it in that video and that's what people were doing all the time guys nowbluehost brings me to another guy called pet flynn he runs a blogone of bluehost biggest affiliate if we look at it and head of income reportsguys like we don't hide our income so
you can see what we make if we go backto one of his worse months okay to use this as an example we go down and welook at what he's made he lists everything bluehost$30,000 in commissions guys from one month just from bluehost alone and he'smade that money by creating a video on youtube how to create a website exactlylike aidid and from his blog so those are his two free traffic sources hisblog and his youtube and if we go to resources up here guys he also has alist of resources where people can go and get resource like going going getstough right leadpages is the landing page creator if they click try leadpageshe gets commission back in april i she
listened look at one of those bittermonths will look at this month here 258,000 he did a scroll down he did31,000 and bluehost he did 7,000 with leadpages which is this for a programhere convertkit he did 13,000 so it all adds up now it's obviously it's verynice gradual increase is making more money more money every month that's thething what this stuff goes once you start out you just keep making moneyover and over again alright so that is a really good trafficsource you can use as blogs and youtube channels to make money with affiliatemarketing and this guy's is exactly how i've been making consistent commissionsright here every single day by promoting
other people's products on my blog andwhat i do is i also have a tools section where people can go and they'll see thetools that i'm using and zhao and i'll get an affiliate commission every timethey click on here and purchase via my links alright pretty cool now what a fewhow do you find like how do you find products well it's simple you can use umthings like like the website hosting you can lose things like clickbankbut one of the best ways i recommend to make affiliate commissions guys isamazon okay so much money to be made and i'll tellyou why just the other day i was on youtube searching for d is al camerareviews right but what i'll do is we'll
go to amazon and we'll put d dsl cameraright and i'm gonna go to canon eos rebel and i'm gonna copy that bad boyand we're gonna put that into youtube and we're gonna go review yes i listento a lot of rap guys like go this into rap how about thatno surprises everyone does that nowadays i love my rap my trap musicwe're gonna go enter and canon rebel t 6 review now if we go to the bottom herethere is a link to amazon and guess what if we purchase this product via thatguy's link he gets a commission but not only that if i come back to amazon andsay a week's time and i go hunting it saves the cookie in the browser andif i purchase these binoculars for $41
that same person right here is going toget another commission so i get a commission from more stuff that theypurchase from amazon amazon youtube is one of the best ways to dolefullymarketing especially if you're starting out and you can also do blogs and reviewlet's go here kennan rebel t6 let's go to google put that in review what popsup let's go review here let's check it out there's probably gonna be affiliatecommission's affiliate links inside here we go shop now go here amazon that's itguys it's so easy to go and write a reviewabout a product do a video about a product this videosfour minutes long guys or five minutes
long five minutes long and all he doesis he just plays with the camera has a little bit of a talk and if you're shyguys and you don't even want to be in front of the camera you can have acamera that faces down on you in front of a disc like i've got a disc right infront of me now and i can just play with the camera play off the camera on theplay off the camera on the camera god that was a mouthful and then that can doa narration over and afterwards or i can actually pay someone on upwork if i likeor fiber to do a narration for me and review the camera for me with theirvoice so you don't even have to speak on camera that's the beauty of stuff likethis okay guys so you've seen the
possibilities of this like check thisout 30 30 bucks 30 bucks 30 bucks $100,000 from this particular producti'm also doing amazon stuff but i do paid i don't do any youtube amazon stuffbut the thing is guys blogs to get your traffic use blogs and this is how youend youtube and this is how you get traffic on youtube guys i'm gonna gokenan yes ios review rebel review you go and get the top look at the top videoslike top 5 and you do similar titles to them you do similar descriptions and youdo very simple a copy or do similar tags to them and what's going to happen guysis you're going to show up in the suggested feed right here that's whereyou want to be the suggested feed if you
can get into there consistently all thetime you're gonna get so many views and make a good amount of money so what iwant you to do right now is not look for excuses on how to stand a flip businessbut going to start doing videos start doing blog posts and start to build up acommunity for free around your reviews if we go look at my blog one more timeright here real quick we'll go i have to go back to the home and then go to theblog page i need an update this ivan guys the thing about my blog is it doesover $100,000 a year and i've only done two blog posts in the last year crazyright so anyway nexthere's an article about someone that
took my advice and they made some reallygood money here's a review that i did on clickfunnels and then now i getclickfunnels commission's i did a nice review didn't take me long when peopleclick on this link it takes them to clickfunnels where i get a commissionalright guys super simple super easy that's how yougot there right now the easiest way to start an affiliate business start a bloggo to places like amazon find some products to review start a blog start ayoutube channel and start to get those affiliate commission's coming in that'swhat everyone's doing now that's how they're making lots of money i bet if weclicked on one of these there would be
more here we go look amazon links toamazon once again six minute video crazy alright guys that's just a little crashvideo on how affiliate marketing works and how i go out there and have a blogthat does over six figures per year and you can see the potential and actuallydoing this and how much money can be made by showing me those other blogs nowi don't have an affiliate course i know a lot of people will be asking me if ihave one because courses fast-track things get and give you a lot moreinformation however i am working on an affiliate course so if you actuallyclick the link below you'll get put on the vip waiting list and then once thecourse is released which will be very
very soon i will send you an email andyou'll be getting a special deal because i'll be doing a special discount to thepeople who get on that list before i go and release it to the public now ifyou've been in any of my courses before you know that they are full of qualityso much quality content a lot better than a lot a lot of the stuff out therenowadays and you'll get a lot of value from that and you will make a bunch ofmoney so click on the link below or i will actually put it up on the screenthis screen right here it will be on the left somewhere on there where you can goand get on the vip list also subscribe a new top corner wherever that pops upthis side or that side and check out my
other videos and i'll see you guys inthe next video